The Offer Optimization

The Offer Optimization
The Offer Optimization

If we look at the product page and the elements contributing to the sales, the product page description is one of the most important elements. You are guaranteed to fail if you can’t effectively persuade the customer to buy.

In today's online world, the competition is fierce, and it is unlikely that you’d be able to have the ‘product sell itself’ for very long. Expecting the product to do the heavy lifting would be like showcasing clothes on the manikin but not allowing customers to try them on.

Photo by Scott Webb

In many cases, when a product requires a good description, just working on the copy can make a drastic difference in the product page's performance. Of course, each niche has different needs for product copy.

Some products simply need less explaining, such as fashion, whereas some more complicated offerings need more explaining.

The less visual & the more complicated the product is the more it typically relies on copywriting to explain & sell the product.

“Any fool can sell a product by offering it for a discount;
it takes great marketing to sell the same product for a premium.” 

At CRO Gurus, we have studied extensively what makes eCommerce copy convert at a high level, and in this guide, we will go through steps and checklists for better communicating your message better to the customer. 

Our goal here is to help your audience connect & realize they want the product and positively influence the purchase decision.

Photo by Pixabay

Below is a summary of what makes a great offer page description with actionable guidelines for writing it.

1. Start from the basics (Do not skip this)

First, determine a few crucial facts before you begin crafting the copy:

a. Laser focus on your target market

Successful marketing campaigns target a specific buyer persona or a desire within specific buyer personas.

The most important thing to radically improve the approach is ensuring you are first familiar with every relevant aspect of your target clients, including demographics, interests, driving forces and frustrations, the benefits of your product that would draw them in, etc.

Understandably, this is hard work & it is easier to gloss over this step to ‘get to the point’, but this is the step that makes the next steps work. Great copywriters focus immensely on these aspects.

Here are 10 questions with sample answers to help you clarify your target market:

#1: Who will purchase or use this product?

e.g. Professional, amateur, intermediate tennis players

#2: What typical issues do they encounter every day? How might this item address the issues?

e.g. The typical issues the users of this product is having to worry about how much gear they will have to bring with them and making sure they don’t forget a bag. The product combines multiple bags into one. It also offers pairing system that helps you to carry the gear around and not lose one of the bags when traveling.

#3 What distinguishes this product from others available on the market?

e.g. The brand takes the concept of comfortable bag and applies it to tennis player needs and their lifestyle.

#4 What else might a person use to address this issue? What, if anything, are they using right now?

e.g. They are either using multiple bags to do the job or using not specific backpack to fit their gear.

#5 What makes this individual content? Are they afraid? Excited? Worried?

e.g. The product description sparks curiosity and excitement in potential customers. T

#6 What are this person's core beliefs?

e.g. This way of getting around is part of playing tennis. It has been always this way.

#7 How much information do they need to make an informed buying decision? How considerate are they?

e.g. They need to understand that they have been dealing with a problem they are not aware and that there is a solution out there. If you can demonstrate exactly how this bag makes their life easier they will realize this is the way forward.

#8 What could you do that would amaze them?

e.g. Exactly show their struggle and position the bag as the solution.

#9 What emotion should your product elicit in the consumer? How can they feel that way without being told to feel that way in your product description?

e.g. Trustworthiness, comfort, adaptability, strenght, power. Associate authority figures with these emotions or combine bags with actions that create these emotion.

#10 How can you directly ask your actual clients what their requirements and problems are?

Once you have a clear picture of this, you can use all of this information to determine the best language to use on your store's product and landing pages to increase sales.

b. Perform a keyword search

You should optimize your page for search engines for your target audience to locate it easily if you want to increase sales.

SEO starts with keywords, so your initial focus should be on keywords & phrases relevant to your offer and should fit the search intent of your target audience. The page's title and description, headlines, product description, and picture tags will all contain them.

2. Get creative

 It's crucial to consider the structure of the copy while creating content for a product page. You need to be able to capture and hold visitors' attention and keep them interested so that you can maximize your chances of influencing the visitor. This is not easy but thankfully, we’ve broken the components down.

The offer page must contain specific components:

  • A compelling headline that is pertinent to the material on the page.
  • A striking image or a couple of excellent photos of your product.
  • A compelling product description that turns the attributes of your product into benefits by anticipating the buyer's needs.
  • If appropriate, related visual information may include videos, GIFs, graphs, tables, etc.
  • Trust indicators to reassure customers and show that your company deserves their trust (social proof, customer reviews, guarantees, and so on).
  • Your contact information to alleviate concerns and let visitors understand that your company is legitimate and that they can reach you with any questions about a product.
  • A focus on call to action.

a. Create a heading and a subheading

Customers will pay attention to the headline and the subheading of your product page in addition to high-quality imagery clearly illustrating all the salient features of your product.

These two components should inform visitors of what they will discover on the page and pique their interest in finding out more.

Because of this, it's critical to pay attention to the headings and subheadings you use on your product pages:

  • Make your title succinct but interesting enough to entice readers to continue reading.
  • Keep it to 10 words and think about the 4 Cs of copywriting: It must be concise, convincing, clear, and credible.
  • Describe the offer in greater depth in a subhead that will be displayed next to the headline: To encourage people to learn more, it must be compelling, informative, and descriptive. Use active verbs, useful adjectives, power words, questions, quotes, figures, and other copywriting tactics as you see fit (but don’t overdo it).

b. Prioritize the benefits above features

Refrain from just listing the qualities of a product. Instead, consider your customer's problems and how your product will help them.

One way to achieve this is to outline how your product can improve a customer's life. To make a description sound "cozier" and more natural, combine features with advantages.

Make a list of the characteristics of your product and consider how each one can make a client happier, learn more about the product, or experience less pain before you start writing. To persuade the readers that they need your offer, mention the benefits in the product description.

c. Describe a story

A product page's copy must arouse visitors' emotions for it to persuade them. Feelings, not raw facts and figures regarding your product, are what affect customer behavior and decisions. Use narrative essays and storytelling to your advantage to evoke the desired emotions from your audience.

An emotional response from a buyer is more likely to be elicited by a brief story about your goods. Encourage them to think of it as their emotional partner in daily life, and they will begin to feel as though they urgently require it.

To create a narrative about your product:

  • Consider the inspiration that drove its creators to create it.
  • Try to explain the process used to create this item.
  • Once more, speak to your buyer persona: What are their emotional needs, and what narratives might you use to show that your product will help them?

If you are using a copywriter, make sure to involve him in the process early so they can fully grasp your target market. The stories they will tell should arouse feelings encouraging them to be engaged & curious (rather than bored).

d. Write in a conversational style with a warm tone

Use simple language & write as if you were speaking with a friend. Visitors to your online store should not stumble over every word when reading the text on the page.

A customer can relate to your brand more if you use warm language and a natural tone as opposed to an overly formal or factual one.

So simplify and stay away from technical jargon and concepts that are overly complicated. You want everyone to get what you are saying fully.

If your business has a tone of voice that you use to convey marketing messages to buyers your brand will become distinctive and stand out from rivals if you maintain a consistent tone of voice.

Utilize your best judgment to also incorporate it into product descriptions so that it serves & supports your brand.

e. Use power words

Power words are words used to trigger a psychological or emotional response. They also enhance conversion in the case of sales because these terms allow customers to "see," "smell," "taste," or even "feel" your product: They are sufficiently illustrative to persuade a buyer that your offer merits a purchase.


Smart Blogger's Jon Morrow has given a comprehensive collection of power words and explanations of their psychological underpinnings.


As "sensory words," they "are more effective and memorable than ordinary words because they make your reader see, hear, smell, taste, or feel" your content, according to Henneke Duistermaat of Enchanting Marketing.

You can make marketing texts more alluring by scattering a few of these words throughout your copy (of course, you’ll need to pick those that are suitable to your offer).


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Learn how you can also increase your store's eCommerce conversion rate today

f. Respond to a customer's concerns

The most obvious but frequently disregarded advice for copywriters is as follows: When writing the content for a product page and unsure of what to say, concentrate on addressing any queries potential customers could have.

A product description didn't do its job if you read it and still have obvious questions about the product.


Create a list of all the questions people might have about your product (here is where its features take center stage), and weave the answers into your content. By doing this, you'll give them all the information they require and demonstrate that you take into account their demands and problem spots.


A chatbot is another aspect to take into account here. Pick a solid one to display on your product page so that it can respond to client inquiries.

Alternatively, if you have enough resources, consider adding a live chat for peak shopping hours so that site users may speak with a real person who can assist them in making a decision and taking the needed action


g. Create an easily scannable page

Have you ever considered that only roughly 16% of what consumers see online is actually read? This is due to two factors: content shock (too much information is available for us to process), and reader attention span (you only have approximately 5 seconds to capture and maintain a reader's attention).

Write the content of your product page with visitors' ability to scan in mind. They must be able to swiftly locate the important details without wasting time looking around.


Your writing tips for this are as follows:

  • Create catchy, highly relevant headlines and subheads.
  • Write in concise paragraphs and sentences.
  • Make use of bullet points.
  • Create a page that has a lot of empty space.
  • Use varying font sizes to draw users' attention to specific elements.


h. Find the right balance between telling and showing

There are other ways besides text content to describe the goods on your product page.

Therefore, if you feel your writing is becoming too wordy, think of alternatives (such as interactive or visual content possibilities) to help clients understand what you are trying to express.


3. Final evaluation

We recommend utilizing these frameworks after you have first completed the page without them because this allows you to easily brainstorm your copywriting. However, for evaluation purposes, these frameworks can be immensely helpful.


3.1. Removing obstacles to purchase

People want guaranteed results (reduce risk), and they are less likely to purchase products requiring a lot of effort. Removing the pain of purchase is more powerful than giving pleasure.

People are mostly loss-averse, lazy creatures, so they always prefer things fast & easy, and with minimal likelihood of failure. If we can deliver quicker results or at least improve the perception of quickness, our offer will have better performance. 


3.2. The three levers of growth

  1. Compressing the time delay it takes to get the product → Value. (Instant is the best)
  2. Improving the perceived likelihood of getting the result → Value. (Guaranteed result is the best)
  3. Reducing the perceived effort → Value. (Effortless is the best).

So as much as you can focus on making things appear immediate, seamless, and effortless. You can also rank or score your offer on these metrics & think through how you can improve on these parts.

3.3. Adding uniqueness

The previous concept of the three levers of growth had a lot of overlap with this one, but it can be helpful to think it through from a related concept of Gary Bencivenga’s 4UPs:

  1. Can I make the problem more urgent?
  2. Can I make the proof more unquestionable?
  3. Can I make the promise more unique?
  4. Can I make the proposition more user-friendly?


The additional concept of uniqueness is not as powerful as the others but can be used to give the product virality (unique things are more sharable), as well as help people, perceive this to be a special deal.

Also the more uniqueness you have, the less your product can be compared to others, so being unique also can give you additional pricing power.

If your offer is not differentiated in any way, it will come down to price as the only selection criteria for which to make a decision.

4. Final hacks and tips

When listing out problems, think about what happens immediately before and after someone uses your product/service. What's the “next” thing they need help with?

These are all the problems people would have in their situation. This is worth thinking through thoroughly because if you do, you’ll be able to create a more valuable and compelling offer because you’ll continually answer people’s next problem as it manifests.

Find psychological solutions rather than logical ones. Because if there were a logical solution, it probably would have already been solved, thereby eliminating the problem. All that’s left are psychological problems.

“The pain is the pitch.” If you can accurately describe the pain, a prospect feels, they will almost always buy what you are offering.

A prospect must have a painful problem for us to solve and charge money for our solution. The degree of the pain will be proportional to the price you will be able to charge

Your Grand Slam Offer, however, forces a prospect to stop and think differently to assess the value of your differentiated product.

Doing this establishes you as your own category, which means it’s too difficult to compare prices, which means you re-calibrate the prospect’s value meter. The resulting purchasing decision for the prospect is now between your product and nothing.


If you take anything away from this blog article, keep in mind this:

Provide your customers with helpful product descriptions. Assist your clients where they are. Recognize what they need. Give them precise, comprehensive information so they may choose wisely.

Tell them a tale that will help them visualize how using this product can enhance their life.


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Learn how you can also increase your store's eCommerce conversion rate today

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